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Professional mixture (90% Festuca arundinacea rhizomatous and 10% Poa) enriched with mycorrhiza and bioactivators to obtain a stronger lawn, resistant to high trampling. Excellent also for sowing in gardens even partially shady. Regeneration with the same mixture is recommended.
Cutting height: 2-2.5 cm with helical cutting and high maintenance levels;
3.5-4 cm with rotating blade cutting and low maintenance level.
Sowing: March-April or August September at a rate of 35-40 gr / sqm

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500 gr. package
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  • Buy 26 for €21.00 each and save 13%
ADVICE ON THE PREPARATION AND CONSERVATION OF GREEN CARPETS FROM GARDEN AND SPORTS At a good digging, follow a harrowing or hoeing to chop the clods, leveling and incorporate into the ground the well-mature manure that you have taken care to spread before said operations in terms of quintals of about 30 square meters per thousand square meters. After that proceed to the sowing that sieffettua to the sprint in the two senses of the ground, that is from top to bottom and from the left on the right, in a day that there is no wind to make the spread of the seed more uniform. Then a light rake to cover the seed with the earth, which will compress with a roller or shovel, or with wooden boards tied to the feet. A last operation of great importance is an abundant watering that will be good to repeat whenever the ground tends to dry. After the winter, especially in the fresh and compact lands, you must pass the harrow to remove the moss and allow the air, al heat and water to penetrate the earth and activate nitrification. Sowing mixtures it is advisable to do it in spring or autumn, but if you have the possibility of watering you can get the same result during the summer. With the autumn sows are obtained, in the following year, more vigorous plants to allow them to earn a year. The duration of lawns or green garden mats is many years and to achieve this we need: 1) Manually remove the bad herbs as they appear so that they do not take the upper hand. or weed with specific, selective pre or post-emergency products. In the present guide-catalog, these products are widely dealt with. 2) In very humid and shady areas if the mosses scratch the grassy cloak, it is advisable to remove the infested part in autumn and redo the partial sowing again. or treat the surface with anti-mist products. 3) To cut often, so as not to allow a growth of more than cm. 15-20, thus favoring the preparation and rooting of the single seedlings. 4) Water frequently during strong heat. 5) In autumn, a year yes and one no, spread well-mature dung, or terraced, in the amount of 30 quintals per 1000 square meters. 6) In the spring it will be very good practice to compress the green carpet with a roller and distribute special fertilizers to the planned and / or slow cession that you will find on the site.