Small fruited eggplant. The bushy plant (up to cm 60) is suitable for growing pots and balcony baskets.
Grouped product items
Package  Price
small package
50 seeds package
100 seeds package
500 seeds package
1000 seeds package
family Solanaceae Sowing: Indoor January to March, depending on the area and of the variety. Transplantation: in jar of 8 cm when it is manageable. Outdoor when the ground is hot and there is no risk of frost, with root ball. Distances: 70-90 cm between rows, 60-70 cm on the row. Advice: tuck, possibly tie the plants to support, remove a part of the axillary buds and pick the fruit before it hardens, then still sweet and seedless. Make a rotation of not less than 4 years, not precede it or follow from species of the same family (tomatoes, eggplant). Seed needed: 3g per 1 sq.m. Seedling.