Splendida selezione del noto fagiolo Lima (Phaseolus Lunatus) rampicante produttivo dai semi di un bellissimo colore. Il baccello è di colore verde scuro a sezione piatta. Semina: con clima caldo (maggio). Raccolta: dopo 90 giorni dalla semina.

Grouped product items
Package  Price
100 gr. package
Confezione da 200 gr
500 gr package
1 Kg package
  • Buy 6 for €19.00 each and save 3%
  • Buy 26 for €18.00 each and save 8%

Family Leguminosae / Papilionaceae

Sowing: directly planted in March under the tunnel. direct sow from mid-spring in July-August. Distances: depending on the vigor, 60-80 cm between rows and 25 cm on the row. have high support about 240 cm before planting.
Tips: slightly tuck the ground at the base of the plant developed. if you have space, space the plants.
Seed need: 50-60 g per 100 square meters of land.