The FAMOUS HALLOWEEN pumpkin! You can use these pumpkins for Halloween, as the American tradition dictates, for the enjoyment of young and old. By digging the pumpkin and carving the shapes of the eyes, nose and mouth in the peel, you will obtain a mask inside which you will insert a lighted candle. Easy to grow and carve. Sow from mid-May keeping a distance of 100 cm in the row and 150 cm between the rows.
Sowing: indoors in February-March, 2-3 seeds per jar for early harvests; outdoors in April-May planted, 3-4 seeds per hole.
Transplant: outdoors in April-May; leave one plant per hole, when the plants have 3-4 leaves.
Distance: between rows m. 2 and m. 1- 1.5 on the row.
Advice: at the beginning of cultivation, trim the stem above the third leaf and the lateral shoots above the fourth leaf. Pumpkins are picked with a few centimeters of stem and left to dry for a few days in the sun; they can also be kept for several months without deteriorating.
Seeds required: 100 gr. for 100 sqm. of land.