1354 - SPINACH HYBRID F1-Spargo-

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New hybrid with semi-crinkled leaves, widely adapted. Medium cycle, plant shows upright habit, leaves are eloganted, thick and dark green. Resistant to downy mildew race 1,2,3,4.
Grouped product items
Package  Price Qty
2.000 seeds small package
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5.000 seeds package
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10.000 seeds package
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25.000 seeds package
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50.000 seeds package
- +
Sowing: from February to early summer, for the first crop to be irrigated abundantly. from late August to September for autumn-winter collection. good resistance to cold if it is not too intense. Distances. Between rows 30 cm, 5-10 cm thin out the rows. Tips: you can collect from time to time only the outer leaves, leaving the growing clump central. Seed required: 400-500 g per 100 square meters of land.