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Wrinkled seeds. Early and very productive variety suitable for direct outdoors sowing.
Uniform, smooth and deep green pods cm 12,5 long with 10 seeds per pod. Average height of the plant cm 80.
Grouped product items
Package  Price Qty
100 gr. package
- +
Confezione da 200 gr
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500 gr package
- +
1 Kg package
- +
  • Buy 6 for €10.00 each and save 7%
  • Buy 26 for €9.50 each and save 11%
PEAS (Family Faseolacee) Sowing: in October-November in temperate areas where temperatures do not drop below -8 ° C. In March-April everywhere. The peas grow also with temperatures of 5 ° C. Sow into files in the open field. Distances: highly variable depending on the vigor of the variety: between rows 45-60 cm for dwarf varieties; 70-20 cm for the climbing varieties, 5-20 cm on the row. Advice: tuck in the developed plants and put adequate support to climbing varieties. Wrinkled varieties are more resistant to storage, while those with smooth grain must be harvested immediately as soon as they arise. It is recommended to scale the sowing in order to have a product that is always fresh. Seeds required: kg. 1.5-2 per 100 square meters.