One of the most famous "Hot Peppers" from Mexico with an exceptional taste and a medium spiciness (from 10,000 to 20,000 Scoville) which makes it pleasant to all palates. The plant is strong and grows between 60 and 120cm tall. From June onwards it produces fruit about 4-9cm long with firm and compact pulp. The fruits are ready for harvest when they are well formed and of a nice glossy dark green color. Variety also suitable for growing in pots, loves the sun and the heat.
family Solanaceae
Sowing: Indoor in seedbeds from January to March, depending on the area and earliness of the variety.
Transplant when the seedling is manageable into pots of 8 cm and is still held indoors. transplanted outdoors when the ground is hot and there is no risk of frost.
Distances. 70-90 cm between the rows, 30-50 cm on the row according to the size of the fruit. Tips. Tuck the plants lightly. Make a rotation of at least four years and not before or after planting other species of the same family and not after the cauliflower.
Seed needed: 3 g per 1 square meter of seedbed.